
By Nicolas Bello Camilletti (@nbellocam)
Head of Engineering at Qurable
Google Developer Expert (GDE), Google Accelerator Mentor and former Microsoft MVP

Speculation Rules API

5 min read

Hace tiempo se trabaja en formas de optimizar los tiempos de respuestas de las siguientes páginas antes de que realmente ocurra la…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

More Stories

Screen Wake Lock API

3 min read

Es muy común que nuestros dispositivos se suspendan cuando pasa un corto tiempo en los que no detectan interacción del usuario y…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Look Good to me: Temporada 2

1 min read

Volvimos con Look Good to me o LGTM junto a Jorge Cano y Andrés Villanueva. Este año vamos a hacer episodios mas espaciados (idealmente…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Cancelando procesos asincrónicos en JavaScript

6 min read

En operaciones asincrónicas normalmente pasa que necesitamos cancelar la misma mientras que estamos esperando la respuesta. El caso más…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Look Good to me: Final de temporada 1

2 min read

Luego de 21 episodios junto a Jorge Cano y Andrés Villanueva vamos a dar por terminada esta primer temporada de Look Good to me para pasar…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Novedades de CI/CD en GCP

1 min read

El sábado 18 de noviembre tuve la oportunidad de partipar del DevFest Santiago 2023 organizado por el GDG Cloud Santiago hablando sobre CI…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Look Good to me: Especial de navidad

2 min read

Como todos los martes seguimos sacando el podcast junto a Jorge Cano y Andrés Villanueva, pero en esta oportunidad en especial, pudimos…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Nuevo Podcast: Look Good to me

1 min read

Junto con Jorge Cano y Andrés Villanueva arrancamos un nuevo podcast para hablar de lo que mas nos gusta, la tecnología y en especial todo…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Using GitHub Actions to deploy an static site to Firebase

4 min read

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm now using GitHub Actions to deploy this blog into Firebase static web sites. Even when deploying to…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Understanding the Power of Unification with Unified.js

7 min read

Unified.js is an awesome library for working with natural language data. It offers a powerful and flexible solution for transforming…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Migrating my blog once again

5 min read

I already have two post about the migrations of my blog engine to a new stack in the past. I first started writing in my previous work's…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creating a next.js middleware to better handling localization

4 min read

Localization can be hard to handle in your web sites. Luckily for us there are more tools everyday. While working with next.js I ended up…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Project Fugu: Bridging the Gap Between Web and Native Applications

5 min read

The web has come a long way since its inception, but there are still some gaps between what web applications can do and what native…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creating your fist Dapp

7 min read

Decentralized applications, or DApps, are applications that run on a blockchain network. These applications are decentralized, meaning they…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Caching Strategies for Service Workers: Maximizing Performance for Your Web App

7 min read

If you're looking to create a smooth and fast web experience for your users, one of the most important things you can do is to implement a…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Understanding Service Workers

5 min read

In the previous post I mentioned service workers several times as a key component for PWAs. Service workers are a crucial component in…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Progressive Web Apps

5 min read

The world of web development has come a long way from the days of static HTML pages. Today, we have dynamic, responsive, and fast web…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Progressive Enhancement: The Key to a Better Web Experience

5 min read

In the rapidly changing world of technology, the web has become the primary platform for information and communication. With the…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Understanding Typescript utility Types

5 min read

TypeScript provides a set of built-in utility types to assist with common type transformations. These utility types can help you write safer…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Web Accessibility tools

4 min read

"The Web is fundamentally designed to work for all people, whatever their hardware, software, language, culture, location, or physical or…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

The recursion problem

7 min read

I love recursion and functional programming, but you need to understand the consequences of doing some operations. A few days ago, we were…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Azure Media Services en Viernes de Azure

2 min read

Hace unos días tuve la oportunidad de participar en el episodio 5 de Viernes de Azure con Guillermo Bellmann hablando de Azure Media…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Getting started with Speech-to-text from Azure Speech Services

7 min read

I few days ago I needed a tool to get the subtitle for a video and I took the opportunity to play around with Azure Speech Services, especia…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creating an API with Azure Functions, Azure Cosmos DB and TypeScript

9 min read

As web developers, having simple tools to create a powerful API without too much effort sound like a dream come true. I recently had the…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Build and deploy a React App with multi-stage pipelines

8 min read

Nowadays, it's super easy and cheap to have a quick modern site deployed with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. In this post…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Introduction to Azure Pipelines

5 min read

In my previous post, I mentioned that I was using Azure Pipelines to build and deploy this blog, so now I will share how you can do the…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Migrating to Gatsby.js

7 min read

My blog post writing history is not the best, but I believe that it's the common story. I started writing in the company's WordPress, then I…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Adding a guest user to an Office 365 SharePoint site with JavaScript and Azure Functions

6 min read

We recently had a project where we needed to invite external users to an Office 365 SharePoint Site automatically when a Microsoft Flow was…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Calling Microsoft Graph API from an Azure Function using JavaScript

8 min read

Not so long ago, I worked on a project where we take advantage of the Microsoft Graph API to perform some tasks. So far, nothing special as…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

.NET Conf UY 2017 and Nodeconf Ar 2017

2 min read

Last week I had an incredible experience being part at two of the most important developer conferences in South America. First, the .NET…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

.NET Conf UY 2016

3 min read

En estos últimos días (del 29 de Septiembre al 1 de octubre) tuve el gusto de participar en la .NET Conf UY v2016 como presentador de un…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

ASP.NET Community Standup LATAM

3 min read

Hace algún tiempo venimos hablando con algunos amigos y compañeros sobre la falta de contenido en español y la necesidad de unir esfuerzos…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

JavascriptServices: ejecutando javascript desde ASP.NET Core

6 min read

En mi post anterior hablé de los middlewares y de la importancia que tienen en ASP.NET Core. En este post voy a introducir un conjunto de…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

JavascriptServices: ASP.NET Core meets node.js

4 min read

In the past, I talked about how to integrate Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core just by using gulp tasks and configuring ASP.NET Core. In one of…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creando middlewares en ASP.NET Core

5 min read

Una de las cosas más interesantes que tiene ASP.NET Core a mi gusto, es la idea de trabajar como se hace en node.js con frameworks como expr…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creating a simple API with ASP.NET Core

5 min read

I posted about ASP.NET Core in the past. In this opportunity, I would like to share a simpler introduction to it using the nodejs' approach.…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creando una API REST con ASP.NET Core desde cero

5 min read

ASP.NET Core es una nuevo framework web, open-source (GitHub) y multiplataforma pensado para crear aplicaciones web modernas, con foco en…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Manifoldjs, a tool to create hosted apps

3 min read

Modern web technologies are evolving not only to create faster and complex websites but also to create apps. There are plenty of examples…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Introduction to Docker - Global Azure Bootcamp 2016

2 min read

Today as part of the Global Azure Bootcamp 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina; I give an introduction to Docker and what are the possibilities…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Angular 2 Http with ASP.NET Core APIs

6 min read

In my previous post, I explained how to configure routing in an application with Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core (if you need more information…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Routing in Angular 2 with ASP.NET Core

6 min read

In my previous post, I explained how to configure Angular 2 with TypeScript in a ASP.NET Core project created with Visual Studio. The idea…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

ASP.NET Core and Angular 2

7 min read

Writing web applications nowadays is becoming a bit more complex as the frameworks evolve taking advantage of other frameworks/tools. That…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Automating the letsencrypt certificate renewal

5 min read

In my previous post I explain how to set up nginx running in a docker container to use a SSL certificate created by letsencrypt. The problem…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Using letsencrypt with nginx on docker

4 min read

Now that I have my site running on a docker container using nginx (more info here), I want to add a secure endpoint and support https. In…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Nginx for serving multiple sites in docker

4 min read

As part of ideas related to my docker VM, I planned to have multiple sites deployed on it. For example, one of the sites is this blog and…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

WordPress plugins for the cloud

3 min read

When I created this blog, I wanted to minimize the impact on the VM I was using by storing whatever I could outside the VM. Additionally, I…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

WordPress Docker container with Compose

3 min read

As I describe in my previous post, this site is running in a docker container on an Azure VM. In this post, I will explain how to configure…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Creating a docker VM on Azure manually

3 min read

In order to create this site, I take the opportunity to use Docker creating a new VM on Azure. In this article I will share the steps I used…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti

Hello world! About me

2 min read

Hi, I'm Nicolás Bello Camilletti, a software developer that loves new technologies and new exciting challenges. Because of that, I'm…

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti