
Progressive Enhancement: The Key to a Better Web Experience

Nicolas Bello Camilletti
Nicolas Bello Camilletti
5 min read

In the rapidly changing world of technology, the web has become the primary platform for information and communication. With the proliferation of devices and browsers, it's more important than ever to ensure that websites are accessible to everyone, regardless of their hardware or network capabilities. This is where progressive enhancement comes in.

What is Progressive Enhancement?

Progressive enhancement is a web development strategy that prioritizes the delivery of core functionality to all users, and then adds additional features and enhancements for those with more advanced browsers and devices. The basic idea is to start with a solid foundation and build up, ensuring that everyone can access the content and information they need, regardless of the technology they're using.

Why is Progressive Enhancement important?

There are several reasons why progressive enhancement is critical for web development:

  • Accessibility: By providing core functionality to all users, progressive enhancement ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can access and use the website.
  • User Experience: Progressive enhancement can enhance the user experience by providing a more responsive and tailored experience, based on the capabilities of the user's device and network.
  • Future-proofing: By building a foundation that works for everyone, and then adding enhancements for those with more advanced technology, progressive enhancement ensures that your website will continue to work as technology evolves.

How to Implement Progressive Enhancement

Implementing progressive enhancement involves several steps, including:

  1. Determine the core functionality: The first step is to identify the core functionality of your website, such as the ability to read and navigate content, fill out forms, and access information. This should be available to all users, regardless of their technology.

  2. Use HTML as the foundation: HTML is the backbone of the web and provides the core structure and content of your website. By using well-structured HTML, you can ensure that the content and information is accessible to all users.

  3. Use CSS for styling: CSS is used to add style and visual design to your website. When used in conjunction with HTML, it can enhance the look and feel of your website, providing a more tailored experience for users with advanced browsers.

  4. Use JavaScript for interactivity: JavaScript is used to add interactivity to your website, such as drop-down menus, animations, and dynamic content. When used in conjunction with HTML and CSS, it can enhance the user experience for those with advanced browsers.

  5. Test and validate: Finally, it's important to test and validate your website to ensure that it works as intended on a variety of devices and browsers, and that the core functionality is available to all users.

An example

The following is an example I like a lot about this, only based on HTML. It's a simple email input which have a lot of powerfull stuff on the back.

<input type="email" name="email" id="email"
       required aria-required="true">

First, for older browsers, it will work as an standard text input, which will fulfill the core objective of getting the email from the user. If the browser is a bit newer, it will support the required tag, which will say to the user that they need to to add the information before submitting it. Additionally, if you are on mobile, you will probably get the special keyboard for email input (the one that has the @ and the .com handly) which will improve your user's experience. Finally, the aria-required="true" tag will help people using readers and such having a better experience as well. A simple but powerful example on how you can focus on the objective and then improve your users experice by adding a few tags.


Progressive enhancement is a key strategy for web development, providing a better experience for all users and future-proofing your website. It's a key aspect to consider in general and a core aspect in things like Progresive Web Apps. By starting with a solid foundation and adding enhancements for those with more advanced technology, you can ensure that your website is accessible and usable for everyone. So if you're looking to enhance your web development skills, consider embracing progressive enhancement and build a better web for all.

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